With the end of the long vacation and the resumption of the semester, there was a question of how to resume the study.
Exams are coming up and hours of idle time are running out, but it was hard to focus on studying.
I sit down to study but the mind is not monotonous because I have not studied for a long time.
You want to study too, but are struggling with wondering where to start?
I also had this problem and from this blog post I will mention how to start the study again and some of the strategies and hacks I used for it.
how to start studying?
- Get into the study mood
- Be serious about studies
- Choose a suitable place for study
- Remove all surrounding distractions
- Creative a to-do list
- Break into small chunks
- Start studying with something easy
- Use the Pomodoro technique
- Give rewards
- Join with study groups
- Motivate yourself to study
- Repeat the Study System
Get into the study mood
If you spend a lot of time on external things like computer games and social media, it is very difficult to get your mind back to study because your mind likes such things more than study.
As I have read, the scientific basis here is as follows.
When dopamine is released into our brain, it rewards the brain.
It makes us feel happy and satisfied.
Things like computer games, social media make it easier to access with less effort than study and they give instant gratification than learning.
So your brain more prefers such easy tasks.
The brain releases more dopamine into easy tasks that are instantly more satisfying.
Often when studying, the brain has to work harder and therefore the amount of dopamine released is less.
So after you do more of what gives your brain more dopamine / satisfaction, the brain is reluctant to start something less dopamine-like / satisfying, such as teaching lessons.
Above I mentioned why your brain struggle to start studying. So, how to get into the study mood?
how to get into the study mood?

Separate temporarily from things like computer games and social media, which give the brain more dopamine / satisfaction. Then, more dopamine will not be released to the brain.
As a result, the brain receives less dopamine, so the brain is satisfied with something that releases less dopamine, such as studying. Then you can easily get into the study mood.
Be serious about studies
Being serious about your studies is always a force you to start studying.
Even if you know that you can study and pass the exams and go for a high paying job, you may not be serious about your studies as it is not something that will give you satisfaction immediately at this moment.
So below is the tactic I used for this.
how to be serious about studies
The main reason for not being serious about studies is that you forget your goal and your boredom comes to the fore. to be serious about studies Visualize your goal every day. Think about what you will lose if you do not go for your goal.
I mentioned two basic things that are important before you start studying.
Choose a suitable place for study
To Start Studying, The location you choose is also very important.
Personally, studying from a messy place confuses my brain. When I Sit Place like that, I want to get up from my seat from the moment I sit down to study.
It is easier for me to study at a less, empty desk.
It also reduces the occurrence of headaches, drowsiness while you are studying.
Also, if you choose a place where you can see far away, your eyes will get less tired.
So you may already think that the best place to have a table in your room is near the window.
Personally, I also keep my desk near the window.
Remove all surrounding distractions
Identify everything that distracts you when you studying.
The internet, especially YouTube and Facebook are the distractions I had. So, as a solution, I turn off the internet connection while I am studying and keep my computer and smartphone in a place where it is not easily accessible.
sometimes your Study Buddies, Hobby, TV, computers, and sometimes even friends and family members also can be a distraction to you.
Avoid them as much as possible and choose a place that is more suitable for you to study.
Creat a to-do list

When you start your studies, are you unable to think of where to start?
So the solution is to create a to-do list.
Write down everything you need to study on a piece of paper. Place a small check box in front of each task.
Always keep this to-do list out of sight.
I stick my to-do list in front of the study desk.
Complete the task one by one on the to-do list. Mark the end of the task with a checkmark.
Break into small chunks
Have you made a to-do list but still it difficult to start studying?
Have you made a to-do list but still find it difficult to start studying?
This is because the task that you have added to the to-do list is a big one. It is difficult to do easily. There is a solution.
For example, suppose you have to study the structure of the human body. you already added it to the to-do list but still have friction to start studying?
The solution is to break down the structure of the human body lesson into smaller parts. That is, divide it into systems and study them one by one.
Focus on just one part at a time.
Start studying with something easy
There is an opinion among many students, that hard work should be done first.
But did you know that it is the root cause of friction to start studying?
You simply have to apply some force to start study, but once it starts, it flows.
For example, suppose you have to do 100 questions of exercises. So if you think about all these 100 questions at once, it’s a big deal, so there’s friction. But if you start thinking that I will make the first questions easily this time, you can easily start studying.
Use the Pomodoro technique
The Pomodoro Study Method is the most effective way to avoid the friction of starting to study, to improve your focus and to improve your productivity.
- Set the timer for 25 minutes and start your work.
- If you are distracted, write it down on a piece of paper and return to your work.
- When the buzzer rings at the end of 25 minutes, take a five-minute break.
- Repeat!
- Take a thirty-minute break after four Pomodoro. Repeat again!
Give rewards
So, as I mentioned earlier, our brain is tempted to repeat something because of the dopamine reward that the brain receives at the end of the work.
Therefore, when you study successfully, you will be rewarded properly and you will be motivated to study again and again.
It also makes it easy to start studying.
Join with study groups
If you can not focus on mind study alone, it’s a good idea to start with study groups.
It motivates you to work when others work.
There is a saying “Monkey See, Monkey Do.” So we are descended from monkeys. It’s the same for us.
On the other hand, it is also a good way to discuss things that are difficult to understand when doing self-study or listening to a lecture.
motivate yourself to study
Even if you want to study, do you feel like putting off studying because you are tired and lazy?
So do you think, how to motivate myself to study?
how to motivate myself to study
To motivate yourself to study, regularly spend time on doing activities, reading, and watching videos, related to your subject that you study.
Read articles related to such a study. It motivates you to start studying.
Repeat the Study System
Based on the above, develop your own study method.
Follow the same system over and over again.
Then it becomes a habit for you to study.
It makes it easier for you to start studying.
How to Start Studying : Conclusion
In this blog post we talked about How to Start Studying. In addition, How to Get into the study mood
We mentioned how to be serious about studies and so on.
So comment below on the strategy you think is best for you in this article.
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